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About Extended Education

Welcome to Sonoma State University's Extended Education! 

What we do in Extended Education is connect the community with lifelong learning opportunities. We partner with other departments at Sonoma State University to deliver degree programs. These programs provide faculty with opportunities to teach beyond their normal duties and also for community faculty to bring their expertise to our students.

The certificate and non-degree courses and programs provide continuing education to many professions--a critical need for remaining competitive in fields such as human resources. construction, project management and nonprofit. 

Our lifelong learning programs serve community members from 9 to 90 years of age, focused on our EXCEL programs in the summer and our year-round programs in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute or OLLI. These programs reach students across the community and provide ways to engage the campus with regional residents who otherwise may not come to campus.

These parts sum to "extended" education; Sonoma State has a regional and global reach because of what Extended Education does for this campus and the surrounding communities. 

Our theme and daily drive is to provide support for lifelong learning to the North Bay and beyond.