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Summer Open University

Summer Session 2025

12 Week Session: May 27 - August 15
4 Week Session 1: May 27 - June 20
4 Week Session 2: June 23 - July 18
4 Week Session 3: July 21 - August 15

The Summer Session 2025 schedule of classes will be available March 12.

Open University Registration starts April 7.

For questions, please contact us at:

No Formal Admission Required

Open University is a registration policy whereby students who have not been formally admitted to Sonoma State may enroll in academic credit courses.

Enrollment Eligibility

Open University may be right for you if you:

  • missed the deadline for admission to SSU degree programs
  • want to update your professional training and job skills
  • want to explore personal interests
  • want to test your interest in a field before entry
  • have been academically or administratively disqualified at SSU or another CSU

Registration Process

1. Choose the class you wish to enroll in. (see current class schedule)

2. Complete the online Open University Registration Form. (Form is open Monday – Friday, 8 am – 3 pm PDT only).

  • Open University is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Completing a registration form does not guarantee registration for the class.
  • Students are responsible for fulfilling all course prerequisites (see below).
  • If departmental approval is required, please contact the appropriate academic department to seek approval. 

3. If approved to enroll in the course, you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions within 1-2 business days. Payment is due upon notification. Failure to make timely payment within 24 hours may result in significant processing delays and/or the denial of your registration. (Payment instructions for non-SSU students use only)

4. Once payment is received you will receive a final confirmation within 2–3 business days with information about how to access course materials. 

If you need accommodations, the Disability Services for Students office is located at Schulz 1014A (or by phone at (707) 664-2677 (dial 711 for Relay).


Open University registration for some courses is subject to the approval of the associated academic department. If a course has prerequisites listed in the course description, please check with the academic department to see if you meet the requirements.

Please note: All prospective Open University students wishing to enroll in business school classes will need department approval.

International Students

Open University registration is open to permanent residents and those maintaining valid non-immigrant visa status, including, but not limited to F-1/F-2 student visa and J-1/Au Pair visa holders. Sonoma State University will not issue immigration documents for attendance through Open University registration.

Students must demonstrate proof of English proficiency. Click on the English language proficiency requirements for more details.

International students must also obtain written approval from the International Student Advisor, located in the Center for International Education in International Hall, prior to enrolling through Open University.

Disqualified Students

Current or former SSU students who have been academically disqualified for academic or administrative reasons may be allowed to take classes at SSU through Open University if approved by an Advisor. The focus should be on raising the GPA by retaking courses for which a C- or below was received.

First, set up an appointment with your Advisor to create a reinstatement plan. To that meeting, bring an Open University Disqualified Student Approval Form. Fill in which classes you have been approved to take, have the Advisor sign, and submit this form along with your Open University registration form(s) and method of payment. Please see below for additional information about the Open University registration process.


Open University enrollment fees are due at the time of registration. For Summer 2025, undergraduate class fees are $385/unit. Graduate class fees are $470/unit. Additional fees may apply. 

Drops, Withdrawal and Refunds

Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal. To drop a class, Open University students must submit a Class Drop and Refund Request form.

Students must withdraw from a class by the last day of the Add/Drop period:

  • 4-Week Session 1: May 29
  • 4-Week Session 2: June 25
  • 4-Week Session 3: July 23
  • 12-Week Session: June 6

A full refund of fees is granted through the Add/Drop period. After that time, no refunds are given.

The effective date of a refund application is the day it is received by the office.

Grade Mode Change

Some courses have an option for students to receive a letter grade or Cr/NC; otherwise, the course description in the catalog will specify. Students may change their grade mode up to the end of the second day of instruction by submitting the Grade Mode Change form.

Credit Information

Open University students receive Special Sessions academic credit for courses numbered 100–599; please note that Special Sessions credit does not meet degree residence requirements. In the CSU, up to 24 units of Special Sessions academic credit may be applied toward a baccalaureate degree. Nine units may be applied toward a master's degree (subject to departmental approval). Please consult with your home institution about how SSU Intersession/Summer Session academic units will apply to your degree.

Grades & Transcripts

All University rules and regulations pertaining to grades and transcripts apply to Open University students; see University grading policies.

Open University enrollment grades are available by requesting either an unofficial or an official transcript from the Sonoma State University Registrar’s Office. Unofficial transcripts may be requested in person only at the Registrar’s Office. Official transcripts may be requested by submitting a transcript request form to the Registrar’s Office.

Please note that Open University students will not have access to online student services except for their Canvas online classroom space, if your class uses one.