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Call for Winter Intersession 2025 Courses


The Winter Intersession 2025 courses will be offered to matriculated SSU students and non-matriculated students (including students from other colleges/universities and junior college students).

Proposal Process

Intersession Course Proposal Forms (fillable PDF) may be submitted electronically (via email) to Julie Shell at in Extended Education, and are due by Monday, September 23, 2024. All proposals must be approved by the Department Chair and the appropriate College Dean. Extended Education accepts approvals by electronic signature or via email, however review and approval processes vary by academic department and college. Please check with your Department Chair and/or Dean to confirm the approval process for your department. Course information will be available for faculty review in early October. Faculty contracts will be sent out by November 22. For more information, contact Julie Shell at

Faculty Pay

Faculty can teach up to 5 weighted teaching units during Winter Intersession.

Faculty will be paid according to the Special Sessions 2322 Salary Schedule based on enrollment, course units and faculty rank.

For enrollments exceeding the representative cap, an additional $100 per enrollment per unit will be added to the pay according to the Winter Intersession 2024 Pay Schedule.

Intersession paychecks will be issued in mid-February.

125% Rule

The Unit-3 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article 36) and the CSU System-Wide Additional Employment Policy (HR 2002-05) limit total employment in the California State University system to a total of 125%. Academic year faculty may teach during Intersession but are limited to no more than 5 units in the Winter Intersession across the CSU system. Caution must be taken so that the number of units assigned over the length of the Intersession course does not exceed the allowable overage. It is your responsibility to monitor and not violate the 5 unit/125% rule.

Enrollment Caps

Enrollment limits should be identified on the course proposal form and approved by the Department Chair and/or Dean. No course is to exceed 40 students. Classes without an identified cap will have a default cap of 25.

Generally, instructors are expected to teach classes with 12 or more enrollments, except under extraordinary circumstances. Classes with fewer than 12 enrollments may be canceled for low enrollment at the instructor's discretion. Please be sure to set an enrollment minimum on your proposal. Classes will not be automatically canceled for low enrollment without a minimum identified in advance. No classes will be canceled after December 13 to protect the students who have made their plans and enrolled.

Scheduling Format

January 2-15, 2025: 10 instructional days (Monday - Friday)

Intersession classes run Monday through Friday, and can be on-campus, hybrid or fully-remote. All academic credit-bearing classes must adhere to the SSU credit hour policy. A total of 15 hours of classroom time and/or online instructional content are required for each academic unit for lecture/discussion courses, as well as 30 hours of academic preparation. Lab and activity courses require additional hours.

  • 3-unit classes require 4 hours, 20 minutes daily
  • 4-unit classes require 5 hours, 50 minutes daily

Please direct any questions to Julie Shell at

Classrooms and Classroom Technology

If you have a preference, please be sure to request a classroom or building, or indicate which features are important to you for your classroom. This will assist us in choosing a room for you if your first choice classroom is not available.

All campus classrooms are locked rooms. If you do not have access to your room already, please contact Julie Shell no later than December 11 to get a key request initiated for your Intersession classroom. Even if you are accustomed to a room being open during Fall and Spring, it may be locked during Intersession. Extended Education does not have room keys, and Police Services are only available to unlock classrooms as a last resort.

Requesting a Teaching Assistant or Grader

All requests for TAs, graders, or paid speakers for Intersession 2025 are subject to approval. 

Please contact Julie Shell for more information.

Due to the constraints of the hiring process, we are not able to accommodate late requests to add a TA, ISA, or grader.

Class Requisites

Intersession courses are scheduled with course prerequisites listed in the University catalog. Changes to prerequisites require faculty governance approval. Please contact Stacey Bosick, AVP of Academic Affairs, Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies with any questions or for further assistance.

Enrollment and Fees

Enrollment and payment for these courses will be handled through Extended Education. Fees for all courses offered through Extended Education are in addition to the regular fees charged for university courses. Registration begins online in October via MySSU for matriculated students and through the Extended Education website for non-matriculated students.

Winter Intersession Course Proposal

Deadline is Monday, September 23, 2024.


For more information contact the Intersession Coordinator, Julie Shell at