Extended Education Summer Classes
Extended Education offers some summer classes through Special Sessions for both current- and non-SSU students.
Internships/Special Studies
The deadline to register for an Internship or Special Studies class for summer is July 15.
Some summer internships and special studies classes will be offered in Special Sessions through Extended Education. Current SSU students interested in enrolling in summer internship and special studies classes should consult their academic advisor or the chair of their department. If your internship or special studies class is being offered through Extended Ed, please see the information below.
Special Sessions Registration Process
MySSU registration is not available for Special Sessions classes.
1. Complete the online registration form, available starting Monday, April 7. (Form is open Monday – Friday, 8 am – 3 pm PDT only). Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Completing a registration form does not guarantee registration for the class.
2. If approved to enroll in the course, you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions within 1-2 business days. Payment is due upon notification. Failure to make timely payment within 24 hours may result in significant processing delays and/or the denial of your registration.
3. Once payment is received you will receive a final confirmation within 2–3 business days with information about how to access course materials.
If you need accommodations, the Disability Services for Students office is located at Schulz 1014A ( or by phone at (707) 664-2677 (dial 711 for Relay).
For registration questions, please contact Extended Education:
- Email: extendeded@sonoma.edu,
- Telephone: (707) 664-2394
Special Sessions enrollment fees are due at the time of registration. Special Sessions class fees are $385/unit. Additional fees may apply.
Drops, Withdrawal, and Refunds
Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal. Classes may be dropped via MySSU until the day prior to the start of the class. After that, classes may be dropped via an email to extendeded@sonoma.edu until the second day of the session. The last day to drop for a full refund is the day prior to the start of class.
- A 100% refund is granted if course(s) are dropped before the first day of the class.
- A 65% refund is granted if course(s) are dropped before 25% of the class is completed.
- No refunds are granted if course(s) are dropped after 25% of the class is completed.
A drop/withdrawal request made after 25% of the class will be considered a withdrawal. No refund will be given for a withdrawal.
Courses can only be dropped after the deadline via email to extendeded@sonoma.edu.
A withdrawal will remove the class from your current schedule and will result in a grade of ‘W’ on your official transcript. The grade of ‘W’ has no impact on your GPA.
Petitions to drop late must be for "serious and compelling" reasons with Faculty approval. Serious and compelling reasons include (but are not limited to):
- An extended absence due to a verifiable accident, illness, or personal problem serious enough to cause withdrawal from the university;
- An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family;
- A necessary change in employment status which interferes with the student's ability to attend class. This change in employment status must be verified in writing by the students employer.
The following situations would not fall under the intent of "serious and compelling":
- Dissatisfaction with course material, instructional method, or instructor;
- Class is harder than expected;
- Pressure of other classes, participation in social activities, or simple lack of motivation;
- Change of major.
Credit Information
Summer Session courses offer SSU students “units in residence,” the same as courses taken during the academic terms.
Special Sessions Registration Process
1. Complete the online registration form, available starting Monday, April 7. (Form is open Monday – Friday, 8 am – 3 pm PDT only). Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Completing a registration form does not guarantee registration for the class.
2. If approved to enroll in the course, you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions within 1-2 business days. Payment is due upon notification. Failure to make timely payment within 24 hours may result in significant processing delays and/or the denial of your registration. (Payment instructions for non-SSU students use only)
3. Once payment is received you will receive a final confirmation within 2–3 business days with information about how to access course materials.
If you need accommodations, the Disability Services for Students office is located at Schulz 1014A (or by phone at (707) 664-2677 (dial 711 for Relay).
For registration questions, please contact Extended Education:
- Email: extendeded@sonoma.edu,
- Telephone: (707) 664-2394
Special Sessions enrollment fees are due at the time of registration. Special Sessions class fees are $385/unit. Additional fees may apply.
Drops, Withdrawal, and Refunds
Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal. To drop a class, non-SSU students must submit a Class Drop and Refund Request form to Extended Eduction. The effective date of a refund application is the day it is received by Extended Education. The last day to drop for a full refund is the last business day prior to the start of class.
- A 100% refund is granted if course(s) are dropped before the first day of the class.
- A 65% refund is granted if course(s) are dropped before 25% of the class is completed.
- No refunds are granted if course(s) are dropped after 25% of the class is completed.
A drop/withdrawal request made after 25% of the class will be considered a withdrawal. No refund will be given for a withdrawal.
Courses can only be dropped after the deadline via email to extendeded@sonoma.edu.
A withdrawal will remove the class from your current schedule and will result in a grade of ‘W’ on your official transcript. The grade of ‘W’ has no impact on your GPA.
Petitions to drop late must be for "serious and compelling" reasons with Faculty approval. Serious and compelling reasons include (but are not limited to):
- An extended absence due to a verifiable accident, illness, or personal problem serious enough to cause withdrawal from the university;
- An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family;
- A necessary change in employment status which interferes with the student's ability to attend class. This change in employment status must be verified in writing by the students employer.
The following situations would not fall under the intent of "serious and compelling":
- Failure to attend class, complete assignments, or take a test;
- Dissatisfaction with course material, instructional method, or instructor;
- Class is harder than expected;
- Pressure of other classes, participation in social activities, or simple lack of motivation;
- Change of major.
Grades & Transcripts
All University rules and regulations pertaining to grades and transcripts apply to Open University students; see University grading policies.
Grades are available by requesting either an unofficial or an official transcript from the Sonoma State University Registrar’s Office. Unofficial transcripts may be requested in person only at the Registrar’s Office. Official transcripts may be requested by submitting a transcript request form to the Registrar’s Office.